Balmain Water Polo Club Codes of Conduct

Supporter Code of Conduct (December 2017)
The Balmain Water Polo Club prides itself on providing an inclusive, encouraging and supportive environment for all of it players and their families.
As it is the beginning of what we know is going to be a happy successful season, the Club would like to remind all players and their parents what it takes to be a good supporter.
Things to remember:
- Please support all our players fairly.
- Encourage all participants to be team players.
- Stay positive and discouraged trash talk.
- Allow any losses to be graceful and wins to be humble.
- Selection decisions are the coaches responsibility and must be respected by players and parents. Don't forget our coaches are volunteers.
Most importantly, respect the decisions and rulings of the officials.
Balmain Water Polo is lucky to have a wealth of Water polo experience in it's cohort. Sometimes, decisions that are made for the best of a team, may not immediately benefit an individual. However the Coaches and the Club are there to mentor and develop the teams and the players.
If you do have concerns or comments, please communicate them in a polite constructive manner, preferably away from the poolside and the heat of the moment after a game.
We prefer poolside voices to be ones of encouragement and support, rather than negative commentary.
We hope that the up coming 2017 Club State Championship season brings out the elements of good sportsmanship in all our members.

Player Code
I will always play by the rules
I will never argue with an official. If I disagree with a decision I will inform the captain, coach or manager during a break or after the competition.
I will control my temper. I understand that verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players and deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviours.
I will work equally hard for myself and/or my team.
I will be a good sport and applaud all good plays whether they are made by my team or the opposition.
I will treat all players in my sport as I like to be treated. I will not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
I will cooperate with my coach, team mates and opponents. I will display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
I will participate for my own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
I acknowledge that while under the guidance of team officials I will follow their directions, report to them when required and inform of my where abouts.
I will not arrive at the venue intoxicated or drink alcohol or take drugs while in competition.
I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
I will thank the opposition and officials at the end of the game. I will comply with anti-doping policies.
I will not use social media in a manner which will impact on another player or their families. Any posts must be tasteful and positive. I will accept team management’s decision if there is a ban on use of social media during time of competition.
I will wear the Club uniform with pride.